Profile Details

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Company Name STARTEF SRL (Presenter)
Main Business CLEAN ENERGY, The coating is transparent, based on nano-particles, and can be easily applied to many materials STARTEF srl has developed an innovative coating that is able to produce electric energy
Country / Time Zone Italy /
Type of Participation SME
Small and Medium Enterprises
Attachment F PITCH STARTEF 2020.pdf  
Company Profile
Organization Description STARTEF 2022 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM

STARTEF srl is an innovative startup that intend to industrialize the patented
EDT system – Energy from Thermal Differential, outcome of years of
research and tests. EDT is a transparent, carbon based and really tough
nanocoating . It may be applied on every kind of surface and doesn’t
degrade. Its best property is its high thermal conductivity and its low electrical
conductivity, so that can catch all the heat crossing the surface and carries it
to a thermoelectric converter, which turns thermal energy to electric energy.
Our research allow us to state that 10 mq covered with EDT can produce
3kW with a temperature gradient of 5°C between the two faces of the surface.
The nanocoating doesn’t need any kind of maintenance, is acid- and
chemical-proof, it resists the abrasion and tollerate extreme temperature
(from -100°C to over 250°C). It’s able to produce electricity during the day
and the night, the summer and the winter, at the only condition that must be a
thermal gradient. The estimated energy cost with this technology may reach
0,012 €/kWh, 10 times lower than modern PV system (0,12 €/kWh,), that
made EDT highly competitive both in the industrial and domestic sector.
The Pilot Line investment is about € 1,6 millions, (in 12 Months )The total
investment can be participated by the italian governement and the incubator
Lazio Innova/ Venture Lazio SpA.
Skype startef.italy
Wa/Phone 00393281341168
0039 392 5143911
STARTEF 2019 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM
Dear Sirs, I hereby intend to clarify the following:
The EDT project has been studied for a long time with a lot of scientific
scruple and a lot of experimentation in principle being able to obtain surveys
(measurements) that have allowed a group of 22 qualified researchers to
carry out (during 6 years) studies and simulations with the best MSC
The work done allowed to define the process, the special machinery
necessary to industrialize and the electronic groups for the conversion of the
thermal energy captured in electricity conformed to the normal electric
The pilot line is essential for product certification! The risk of failure could only
be caused by a lack of financial resources;
In any case, the implementation program envisages the creation, with relative
specific training, of a group of technicians to manage and build the pilot line
and subsequent production lines: this group will be able to remedy any
deficiencies very quickly techniques that could occur due to commercial
elements that do not meet the required characteristics
Further documents and meetings for further study, following the EDT
presentation documents, are possible only after written presentation of the
real intentions of Financing /JVA EDT Project.
EDT is a revolutionary nanotech system which convert thermal differential to
renewable electricity.
Today we have a small prototype and laboratory results (TRL 3/4), but now
we have to focus on a pilote line with a bigger prototype (100/100) in order to
obtain european certification.
The exstimated cost of the pilote line is about € 1,6 MLN. From the tests it
results that 10 sqm of EDT –with a 5 degree thermal differential- can produce
3kW/hour, 26000kW/year.
The production cost si about 450 €/sqm, while the selling price could be 1100
STARTEF 2019 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM
With the EDT technology it’s possible to coat windows, cladding panels in
construction, agricultural greenhouses et cetera. It could also be used to
implement security and video surveillance system.
STARTEF srl is looking for industrial/financial partners and intends to sell a
share with the possibility of commercializing EDT technology in their country.
This will be possible under the following conditions:
• within 10 days, the interested company must send a letter of intent
(partnership) and the signed NDA letter;
• STARTEF srl -within 10 days- transmits the technical documentation of the
EDT pilot line project and invites the company concerned to make a JVA /
partnership proposal.
Immediately after the acceptance of the proposal, the terms and conditions of
the contract will be established.
We attach the Pitch, the LOI ,Letter of Intent and NDA letter and the letter of
Hoping to hear from you soon, we remain at your disposal for any further
STARTEF is an innovative startup whose aim is to industrialize the patented
EDT system – Energy from Thermal Differential, outcome of years of
research and tests. Actually, Startef operates as a knowledge society who
creates innovative concepts at high added value.
1. EDT is a transparent, carbon based and really tough nanocoating . It may
be applied on every kind of surface and doesn’t degrade. Its best property
is its high thermal conductivity and its low electrical conductivity, so that
can catch all the heat crossing the surface and carries it to a
thermoelectric converter, which turns thermal energy to electric energy. It’s
transparent at visibile light and can resist pressures varying from 1.35 to
5.2 GPa.
STARTEF 2019 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM
2. The entire coating process requires a UHV machine, sputtering system and
magnetron with precise parameters so to reach the best ratio sp3/sp2 bonds.
3. Well, now let me do a little digression, that I think it will be useful to me to
explain better how EDT coating will works. We all knows that in conduction,
heat propagates in waves from an hotter source to a colder one. In
equilibrium condition we’ll have stationary waves along the space and the
temperature should drop down in a quite linear way, with a defined slope.
Different medium have different behaviour in heat conduction and in let this
heat waves pass through themselves. We express this ability in terms of
lambda or k-constant, so the higher this constant, the esier heat will cross the
medium and the temperature will not varying so much, low slope of the figure.
This will be represented in temperature as a quite plane line. The lower value
of lambda, the higher the slope of the line, will ensure best thermal isolation.
If we now cover the external surface of the medium with EDT, which is a
really good thermal conductor, we are actually isolating the two zones that wil
not comunicate each other any more. So our kind of system is able to
improve insulation.
4. And that’s basicly how the system works. We can see here the red surface
which represent any kind of surface covered with EDT nanocoating (may be
glass, wood or a metal). Now we have two different side: the one of EDT, on
the top, exposed to the external enviroment, such us cold air, hot air or solar
radiation, and the other side, on the bottom, kept in contact with the
substrate, in equilibrium with the inside enviroment. If the two side of the
coating are at different temperature, EDT acts as a really good thermal
conductor, due to its high thermal conductivity, and create a preference way
for the heat to flow. So, our EDT coating, catches the thermal gradient and
transports it to a thermoelectric converter in which electric energy will be
STARTEF 2019 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM
5. As you may see here, in this table are presented our data taken from the
prototype. We did measurement at different temperature, and with computer
simulation, considering a lot of possible parameters such as conductivity of
the medium, conductivity of the coating and so on, and all this allowed us to
state that with 5 Celsius degree of thermal gradient between the outside and
inside the surface, our system may produce 300W if it would be of 1sqm
6. Here in this picture is the prototype I told you untill now. It is about of
27mmx30mm, but his effective surface is of about 1scm. Our research allow
us to state that 10 mq covered with EDT, basicly 10smq of glass, may be
easly find in any house, apartment or building, can produce 3kW with a
temperature gradient of 5°C between the two faces of the surface. The
nanocoating doesn’t need any kind of maintenance, is acid- and chemicalproof, it resists the abrasion and tollerate extreme temperature (from
-100°C to over 250°C)During the measurement we varied the
thermal gradient from – 100 up to 1000 C. Well we kept this temperature only
for a few time, because we was afraid to destroy it, but i have to say that it
stands very well. . It’s able to produce electricity during the day and the night,
the summer and the winter, at the only condition that must be a
thermal gradient. Obviously the energy production will be
proportional to said gradient.
7. Because of its transparency and resistance the first application we
thought to were glasses and windows. Because of its low density of microholes protect the external surface of the window from agents. It need no
maintenance at all
8. Thanks to its ability to catch the heat entering or leaving the substrate, it
will ensure mor thermal insulation in modern buildings, and all this producing
STARTEF 2019 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM
9. One immediatly practical application should be reasonably to applicate it
on vehicle windows. I know that you already operate in this area with
reflecting windows that reduce inside irradiation in the front and the back of
the car, don’t you? Well it would be a sort of sinergy that increase the value of
your offer.
10. Furthermore, one can imagine that the application of EDT coating
may garantee almost self sufficiency to greenhouses at any condition. Let’s
focus to a detail that I reveled to you few slides ago but which is really
important in all this applications. I told you that best property of EDT was its
high thermal conductivity and its low electrical conductivity. Well, this make
our technology safe in indoor application on any kind of touchable surfaces.
And also our system may be integrated in a home automation system and
work as an alarm system in case of touch
11. Let’s take a rapid look to other possible application that we chose,
among the others. There is the possibility to cover the external surface of a
Photovoltaic panel, bringing its eficency to 30%. You know that nowaday PV
cells may hardly reach 20% of efficency, that’s because they only work during
the day, at a nominal temperature of 25 degree, and each change in
temperature brings to a loss of 0,4% in efficency. Also PV system suffers
problems of overheating. All this things may be solved by our system, cooling
the PV cells and increrasing energy production. We also think in other
possible application like build modular structure covered with EDT that may
be jointed to form a sort of cover that may be aplied to great energy machine
waster, so to work as a heat recovery system energy saving.
12. Finally other applications are in defense sector, more correctly:
aviation. During a flight at high speed some areas of the plane may reach
really high temperature. Well cover this areas with EDT may reduce
temperature, producing energy, and also will reduce Infra red radiation, which
STARTEF 2019 . Milano – EDT Project - + 39 392 514 39 11 – WWW.STARTEF.COM
is really important in military field.
13. Now we came to our road map, which shows what we have done,
and our future milestones. As you can see, in the past years we got
information, studies and analisis of EDT coating, until producing a little
prototype and patented it. Now we are looking for an industrial partner.
The initial investment is about 1.660’000€, that allows us to develop a first
pilote line that can produce over 2'200 sqm (2° year) 5’000 sqm (each
3°year). Only the 30% of initial investment is needed, because the remaining
70% is going to be covered with VC society and crowdfunding. Capital
repayment is fixed at 3 years after the go-to-market phase and the share will
be expected at 15%. BREAK EVEN POINT from 30° Month Pilot Line .
14. and that’s a part of our team. I am an experimental physicist, with
studies in low dimensional system.
Viale Umbria, 78
MILANO 20135
[Escriba texto]
On the basis of concrete realizations aimed at removing heat from the cutting edges of tools, in
hard metal, for high-speed milling without using liquids or cooling fluids and after in-depth
conceptual research in the field of emerging nanotechnologies, the possibility of creating a
nanometric coating capable of rapidly transporting thermal energy (hot or cold) avoiding the natural
dispersion in the air and / or adjacent objects and then converting it into electricity.
EDT (Zero Emissions Electricity) is designed to produce electricity, without any harmful emissions,
using thermal energy, hot or cold, captured by the surface with EDT coating.
Precisely the high value of thermal conductivity (physical characteristic of the coating molecule)
allows the transfer of the captured thermal energy, without appreciable dispersion, to a suitable
group of thermoelectrics (according to the Seebeck principle) generating electricity that will be
conformed, through a dedicated electronic group, for normal use and / or networking. In the case of
a negative gradient (ie: below zero) the voltage value will have the opposite sign with respect to
what is obtained with a positive gradient. The electronics will reverse the polarity so that it will be
obtained, however, electricity conforming to normal use.
The power of electricity generated is a function of the thermal gradient and the size of the surface
(with nanometric coating) designed to capture the thermal energy present in the surrounding
In any case, the applications and uses of the cladding are many: it can also be used for the rapid
cooling of electronic circuits (to improve their performance and / or their lifespan as well as their
reliability), but can, however, be used in all cases where it is necessary to create preferential lanes
for thermal energy, hot or cold, avoiding the inexorable dispersion in the surrounding external
EDT is imperatively characterized by the high thermal conductivity of the nanometer coating
molecule. In nature the high thermal conductivity is a prerogative of the Diamond and therefore the
researches have been carried out looking for industrial means and methods to reproduce rationally
the Diamond molecule respecting the following imperatives:
 Little energy spent;
 Possibility to carry out the coating on many substrates, both rigid and flexible;
 Making objects coated at low cost;
 Carry out the coating process in any country in the world including countries without
developed industries and staff without school qualifications;
 Respect the environment!.
The literature reports examples of DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) coatings made with magnetron
After in-depth studies, principle experiments and related simulations (based on experimental data),
it was decided to move to the basic experimentation: to realize the coating (nanometric) with high
thermal conductivity on different substrates starting from those in stainless steel AISI 304 (low
thermal conductivity).
Viale Umbria, 78
MILANO 20135
[Escriba texto]
Basic experimentation
According to the aforementioned studies and simulations, some "Sputtering" processes and related
methods to be tested have been defined.
In order to have the maximum thermal conductivity, the coating must be very similar to the
Diamond. Resuming what was mentioned for the DLC, it has been said that it is an amorphous
form of carbon.
In it alternate zones in which the carbon takes the form of graphite (sp² bonds) and areas in which
the diamond structure prevails (sp³ bonds).
It is clear that the purpose is to obtain a coating in which the tetrahedral structure of the diamond
From the experiments, confirmed by the literature, it emerged that the total thickness of the coating
will be constructed by overlapping so many layers .
In fact, if we wanted to make a single coating we would generate a lot of stress so as to cause the
coating to break (cracks).
Moreover, again due to the high stress, high temperatures would develop in the coating under
construction favoring the formation of sp² bonds.
In substance we have seen that the best solution is to proceed by overlapping many sp³ layers
interspersed with layer sp². The sp³ layers will be thicker than the sp² layers which will be very thin
After numerous experiments it has been established that it is essential to overlap several
sequential layers to obtain a predominantly sp³ (diamond) coating without breaks (cracks).
The realistic possibility of obtaining a coating characterized by high thermal conductivity,
transparent, making it possible to cover window glass
The need to manage the various parameters (voltage, power, frequency, vacuum, gas, etc.)
according to the substrate, the thickness of the coating and its specific characteristics (hardness,
thermal conductivity, transparency, etc.) has been established.
Viale Umbria, 78
MILANO 20135
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The experiments were performed with 99.9999% pure graphite Target and according to different
recipes. For each recipe we proceeded to obtain thick coatings as follows:
 300 nm;
 600 nm;
 1 μm;
 3 μm;
 6 μm;
 10 μm;
 20 μm.
Nanotube deposition has also been tested. Given the need to use Target containing a small
amount of Ni (nickel) it was decided not to pursue the Nanotube hypothesis.
Subsequently, testing was also carried out (strictly with Carbon, 99.9999% Target Graphite) on a
carbon fiber substrate with continuous fibers, creating a 200 nm coating. The analysis of
conductivity surveys carried out on this sample makes it possible to state:.
 The Thermal conductivity value of the EDT
coating is equal to : 1570 w*m-1*k-1
 It confirms that the "EDT" objectives, related to the wide range of coating substrates (rigid,
semi-rigid ÷ flexible) with the desired physical characteristics of thermal conductivity, are
 Confirmation of the possibility of making coatings, of limited thickness, characterized by
high thermal conductivity and transparency so as to allow the application for windows.
 Confirm that the coating processes are feasible using only carbon (Graphite Target);
 It confirms that the processes take place at low temperature with little energy and
therefore with a high EROEI ratio (yield energy / energy expended) = 2000 ÷ 5000
depending on the thermal differential;
 Confirms that slabs or panels with EDT coating, by rapidly transferring the thermal energy
(hot or cold) that impacts on their surface, also perform, significantly, the function of
 It has been defined that the thickness of the coating, multilayer, for a thermal differential
not exceeding 50°C will be 200 nm ÷ 6 μm..
 We highlight the need to study a new type of automated "Machine Sputtering" to make the
industrial system highly productive;
 We highlight the need to study and prepare a specific type of electronic groups,
integrating a specific Boost-Buck device, in order to improve efficiency by converting even
small amounts of energy into electricity (when the gradient is very small).
 Industrialization, with advanced automation, must take into account that for production it is
possible to employ personnel without qualifications who have simply attended and passed
a specific training on procedures and operating procedures.
Theoretically there would be other possibilities to realize physical characteristics of high
thermal conductivity but only on some specific substrates and with a lot of energy expenditure
for raw materials and for the process itself.
Viale Umbria, 78
MILANO 20135
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In any case we can summarize:
Disadvantages of the "EDT" system:
 Need for special machinery, not available on the market ready for use, to carry out
production with the necessary functional and qualitative characteristics;
 Need for specific training of production personnel for learning operational procedures.
Advantages of the "EDT" system, summarized as follows:
 "EDT", with characteristics of high thermal conductivity, is achievable on many types of
rigid or flexible substrates on the sole condition that the material they are made of
bears at least the temperature of about 65° C (65° C are necessary for washing using
ultrasound in water to avoid chemical solvents - during the coating the temperature
remains within 50° C);
 The life of the "EDT" coating is practically infinite; it will maintain its specific physical
and functional characteristics until the substrate exists;
 "EDT" can be transparent without significant reductions or deformations of the light
rays passing through it;
 "EDT" withstands a very wide temperature range ranging from very low temperatures
of -100 ° C to about 1000 ° C;
 "EDT" can be applied anywhere and is resistant to any chemical aggression;
 "EDT", being independent of light, can be applied in any position and can cover
substrates of any color. If applied to the external walls of a building (using panels or
slabs), it will produce electricity by significantly reducing the transfer of heat or cold to
the wall itself.
Viale Umbria, 78
MILANO 20135
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Electronic conversion device
The electronic groups dedicated to the conversion of thermal energy into electricity will be
designed according to the following principle scheme:
The Boost-Buck device, which is essential to be able to use even the smallest amounts of energy
available when the thermal differential is small, must imperatively be made with high-efficiency
For each m² of EDT coating, 50 cm² must be used for the conversion thermoelectric systems.

Angelo Tavella – EDT Project representative of EDT
Cristian Tavella – CEO
Partnering purpose Joint Start-up(Joint Investment)
research Financing Partners, JVA, VC
Technology Cooperation
Sales Licences EDT Area Asia, America, Australia, Canada
Sale Company, Patent, Know-how